Day 15 -It's a wrap! And a little Recap of my 2019 March Ramble

Day 15 I woke at 0500 and after a crappy cup of Econolodge coffee, I was on the road by 0530. The McDonalds next door provided sustenance and an Americano to see me to Cheyenne via I-25. Fuel in Cheyenne and up US-85 to Torrington, Lusk, Newcastle, a jog over to Sundance WY via WY 585 and home via I-90. It was obvious that a Blizzard had been through as the snow fences in Wyoming had the most beautiful wind-sculpted drifts on their downwind side. I arrived home in Spearfish SD at 11:30 after a quick 388-mile journey.

Sunrise North East of Cheyenne

A little bit cooler than I'm used to after two weeks in the South!

Some of thos "wind sculpted drifts"

My own "Black Hills" on the horizon

I always wonder why this Butte remains and the others are gone?

The further North i got, the more evidence there was of the recent storm

The RECAP The Motorcycle part of the trip was right at 5,000 miles over 13 days of riding or an average of 380 miles per day, it was a good first journey for Freya and me.

The truck and trailer portion was just over 2,000 miles to and from Spearfish SD - Alamogordo NM.

Highlights - Ridng with my friend Kip Walker again.

We've shared the Dempster Highway, Baja and now a good portion of Texas together.
I can't wait to go with him again this June for a few days then we are exploring a Trans Labrador/Maritime Province/New England adventure this September.

Visiting my friend Joey Pons in Lafayette and the guided tour of his "back yard", the Bayous and rivers of Central Louisiana.

The opportunity to meet and spend some time with Joey's great family

Additionally it doesn't hurt that Joey is a damn fine cook as well.

Renewing my acquaintance and friendship with another Southern Gentleman, Turk Bence. also a consumate host in his own right and a great guy to share a ride with.

The opportunity to see Amy and Andrew Lewis again.

Meeting Joey's friends Tom, Alex, Mike and sharing a few miles, meals, and beers with them.
Meeting Joey's Dad Joe.

The various flavors along the way:

Big Bend Texas, I need to go back with my wife Jeanne in the car.

Big Bend for its stark natural beauty,

Fredericksburg for the German Heritage and to taste some of the wines i didn't dare taste while on the bike.

Thats a Wrap folks, thanks for following along and please leave a comment. John


  1. I enjoyed your trip. Thanks for letting me come along.


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