Days 11-12 Lafayette to Natchez to Vicksburg MS, Vicksburg MS to Fredericksburg TX via US 79

Two days worth of travel:Lafayette to Natchez to Vicksburg to Fredericksburg TX Today's Travels - Vicksburg MS to Fredericksburg TX I left Joey Pons place in Lafayette LA about 0900 Monday, it was 75F plus and muggy. I made a pretty direct run to Natchez as I wanted to ride the Natchez Trace at least as far as Vicksburg MS, my plan was to continue West from there until dark. The temperature really dropped by the time I arrived at Natchez, it was in the low 50's and it began to rain not long after i started up the Parkway, soon it was pouring. It took me a few hours to ride the approx 75 miles to Vicksburg, when i arrived I was a drowned rat. Spring has not quite arrived along the Trace, the random Red Bud in bloom, a few yellow flowers in the ditches, trees look ready to pop but haven't. I guess i was a week early. I got a cheap room and dried out. Dinner was at a local strip mall Italian joint, not half bad. The rain passed overnight and I awoke to mid 50's and clear skies. Looking at the weather to the West it appeared that I needed to beat feet to Fredericksburg hoping to arrive before the severe storm arrived. I rode the 570 miles with three stops, one for breakdfast and two for gas. I arrived in Fredericksburg just at dusk, the storm front is predicted to pass through about 0230-0300. Dinner tonight was Barbacoa (Beef Cheeks with Cactus) and a Shiner Bock Sorry for the lack of pictures - Yesterday was too wet, today there was no time! Tomorrows forecast is for clear skies and 70's with a stiff WSW wind of 15-20 mph.. I'll have to see how it goes, but I promise to do better with the pictures. So far:


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